Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Home Construction

I hope everyone had a good Summer, it was a nice and busy Summer for me, and I just started the construction of a New Home. I will keep it updated as I go along, so far I am into the 4th week of Construction.
Weather been good, no lost days, except for a few 1/2 days due to extreme heat conditions....So in two weeks excavation was done, footings poured and foundation work was completed.

The black stuff around the foundation is the Waterproof membrain I have been using on all my homes. First time I used this material, I was very happy with its performance, the home I built was located in the high seasonal water table area and during heavy rains and the last major flood we had, the foundation wall remained dry and the dranage around foundation walls was superb.

Week 3 the backfill was done, lumber was delivered on the job and framing stage of the job started.

The second floor deck was just completed on Wednesday, the job was stopped due to the Jewish Holiday in the area, Monday the second floor walls will  be up. and I will post another update on Monday or Tuesday. Have a great weekend everyone.

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